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Tummy Tuck in India with us is low tummy tuck cost in India - MedcureIndia

What is Tummy tuck Treatment?
Abdomen tends to protrude due to excessive stretching of abdominal facia. The conditions like pregnancy and significant changes in weight may excessively stretch the abdomen.Fat accumulation, loose skin, excess skin, and stretching of abdominal muscles cause saggy abdomen.

In tummy tuck procedure excessive fat and skin are removedsurgically. Sometimes, the connective tissues are tightened by suturing them. More firm and strong abdomen can be constructedusing the remaining skin. Tummy tuck may be carried out in combination with other body countering procedures like buttock lift.

Tummy tuck Treatment Procedures

The tummy tuck procedure involves following steps.
·       Having an appointment with the plastic surgeon prior to surgeryis important.
·       The doctor may prescribe some tests like CBC (Complete Blood Count) and haematocrit. On the basis of the findings of these tests problems like infections and anaemia can be diagnosed. At the same time the warning signs of certain diseases like cancers (like lymphoma or leukaemia) can be seen.
·       If the person undergoing tummy tuck is a woman of child bearing age then pregnancy test is also ordered.
·       During the appointment doctor may ask to discontinue certain drugslike aspirin and ibuprofen. This is to ensure that the drugs do not interfere with anaesthesia.

·       Quitting smoking, at least two weeks before the surgery, is needed.
·       During this appointment doctor also gives a list of items, which are required after the surgery like cold compresses, dressings for the incisions and anti-bacterial dressings.
Types of tummy tuck surgeries
·       Endoscopic tummy tuck surgery: It is minimally invasive procedure. In this several small cuts are made and entire surgery is done through a thin long tube. In this, excess fat is removed but excess skin is not removed. This is a good option for people having bulging bellied but less excess skin. In this the recovery is fast and swelling, bruising and scarring is less.
·       Mini tummy tuck surgery: In terms of invasiveness it is in between endoscopic tummy tuck and other types of tummy tuck. It is useful for patients whose body weight is within 10% of their ideal body weight.But this type of surgery is less useful than standard tummy tuck procedure.
In this procedure only one incision is made which is to the lower side of the abdomen and is less wide than in full tummy tuck. In this, naval is not harmed. If liposuction is needed then it is done and tightening of some muscles between navel and pubis is carried out. 
·       Traditional tummy tuck surgery: This procedure is used for patients in whom more corrections are needed. In this the incision is made at lower level, may be at the level of pubic hair. Then required changes are carried out. In this the position of opening of belly button is rearranged. Drainage tubes are placed under the skin and are removed after drainage procedure is complete.
·       Extended tummy tuck surgery: It is like traditional tummy tuck procedure but in this larger portion of abdomen is treated. This procedure is used for patients having excessive skin and fat in the hip and the love handle area. In this the incision is larger. It not only covers the lower abdomen but also goes to the hip area.
It can take 1-5 hours for tummy tuck surgery. The time needed depends on the extent of modificationsopted and type of surgery used.

Complications Of Tummy tuck Surgery

Complications arising out of surgery are there in tummy tuck surgery also like
·       Swelling
·       Bruising
·       Discomfort
·       Infections
·       Blood clots
Surgical complications of this procedure are rare. If the surgeon is expert then this risk is less.

Am I a Good Candidate for tummy tuck surgery?

Tummy tuck procedure may help you to improve the tone of your abdomenif
·       Your stomach is not becoming flat by other weight loss measures then also tummy tuck may help you.
·       You wish to have flat stomach after pregnancy
·       You have excess skin around the belly
·       You have weak abdominal wall
·       You have C-section scar
·       Liposuction has not created desirable appearance of your abdomen
But, if you are planning for significant weight loss, thinking of pregnancy in future, or have body mass index of greater than 40 then tummy tuck may not be appropriate for you. Also, if you have chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease or irritable bowel syndrome then also tummy tuck is not suitable for you.
To undergo tummy tuck procedure you should be healthy and not excessively overweight. Not to forget tummy tuck procedure can flatten the stomach only to a certain extent.

Recovery time Of Tummy tuck Surgery

After the procedure the drainage pipes will be there till the drainage stops completely or becomes less. Swelling may be therefor first two weeks. Some discomfort will be there. Medications will take care of that. Dressings will be there on the abdomen and on that you need to wear abdominal compression garment. Suture removal is after 10 days and patient needs to wear the compression garment for 6 weeks.

In about 2 weeks patient can resume work. This time period depends on level of activity at work place. The incision will be raised and pink in colour for three months and then gradually it will become flat and its colour will fade.


If body care is taken adequately and weight is maintained then it is possible to maintain the results achieved by tummy tuck procedure for lifelong.

Success Rate Of Tummy tuck Surgery

The success rate of tummy tuck procedure is very good. About 80% people undergoing this surgery are satisfied with the results. In the remaining 20% some are not satisfied and others regain weighthence the tummy tuck surgery they have undergone becomes useless.

Benefits of tummy tuck surgery

·       Abdominal wall becomes flat and firm
·       Reduces post pregnancy tummy bulge
·       Stretch marks, particularly below the naval, reduce
·       Enhances self-confidence and self-esteem due to enhanced look

Why Choose MedcureIndia?

India is best destination for healthcare facilities with expert professionals, English speaking staff and state of art infrastructure. At the same time best accommodation is also available. Post-recovery patients can enjoy stays at spas and resorts. MedcureIndia is known for arranging excellent quality healthcare in various cities across India along with all these and related services.
We Provide Tummy tuck Treatment and Surgery at Top Hospitals from Expert Surgeons at low cost.

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